An outdated network can diminish efficiency and increase security risks. We can make your infrastructure more efficient and cost-effective without placing extra burdens on your IT staff. SABIO helps to keep business more secure and make IT more productive.
SABIO Business Solutions believes in actionable recommendation. We work diligently to help clients resolve their problems one step at a time.
A strong perimeter security helps to protect your network from external attacks. The main element on the perimeter security front is a network firewall. A firewall keeps the network, and everything in it, as secure as possible from potential attacks. It does this by analyzing the data that is passing back and forth in a network, and based on the rules that have been configured, determines whether or not the information should be allowed to proceed. It is imperative that every organization include a firewall in their data protection solution.
Cloud Security
Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular among enterprises looking to take advantage of the quick deployment, unprecedented scalability, and cost savings. The way we work is changing. 49% of the global workforce will be mobile, 69% of branch offices have direct internet access, 25% of corporate data will bypass the perimeter. As networks become more decentralized and users connect directly to SaaS applications, security must also shift to the cloud. SABIO helps organisations to create a Secure Internet Gateway which provides the first line of defense and inspection which secures onramp to the internet, anywhere users go.
Secure the connections among people, processes, data, and things, security needs to be as pervasive.
Don’t let security threats sidetrack your business, deploy the right technology.
Stop threats with an integrated approach. Whether mobile, cloud or IoT, our advice can help you more securely increase adoption.
Email Security
Email is the number one threat vector for cyber attacks. Stoping ransomware and malware is a challenge. Today’s organisations need to protect outbound email. Keep intellectual property, financial information, and other confidential and sensitive files safer. SABIO offers Email Security protects against ransomware, business email compromise, spoofing, and phishing.
End Point Security
Any device, such as a Smartphone, tablet, or laptop, provides an entry point for threats. Endpoint security aims to adequately secure every endpoint connecting to a network to block access attempts and other risky activity at these points of entry. As more enterprises adopt practices such as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and remote/mobile employees, the enterprise network security perimeter has essentially dissolved. The need for effective endpoint security measures has increased substantially. SABIO offers solutions to protect the End points with appropriate tools by blocking risky of malicious activities.